Invest in Children Programs
Programs funded by Invest in Children that serve families with young children zero to five in Cuyahoga County.
Cuidado de Crianza y Adopción
Los niños del condado de Cuyahoga necesitan de su ayuda. Hay más de 2000 niños bajo la custodia del DCFS por causas ajenas a su voluntad.
Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program
KGAP is financial assistance to foster care licensed kinship caregivers who become legal custodians who hold placement of their kin child (ren) at least six consecutive months as a foster child.
2024 CoC Program Competition
Each year the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) holds an annual competition to award grant funds to support homeless programming.
Benefit Bridge Program
The Cuyahoga County Benefit Bridge program is for people who see their public assistance decrease significantly when they earn more money, which is often called “hitting a ‘benefit cliff’."
Fathers in the Ring
Nueva Luz Urban Resource Center’s (NLURC) Fathers in the ring program offers fathers with their children, and at-risk teens/young men to attend martial arts classes in a supportive environment that promotes collaboration, growth, and positivity.
2023 CoC Program Competition
Each year the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) holds an annual competition to award grant funds to support homeless programming.
OHS Advisory Board
The CoC’s established Advisory Board includes broad representation of key stakeholders in accordance with HUD. The CoC geographic area includes all of Cuyahoga County.
FamilySpace locations serve as neighborhood hubs of programming, information sharing, and community building for families in an environment designed for their needs.
2022 CoC Program Competition
Each year the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) holds an annual competition to award grant funds to support homeless programming.
Kinship Housing Assistance
Cleveland Metropolitan Housing Authority has properties designated to serve adults 55 years of age and older with legal custody of one or more minor children, who are applying to reside in a property designated to serve intergenerational households in need of supportive services.
Kinship Permanency Incentive Program
The Kinship Permanency Incentive (KPI) program was created to support children in the homes of family or friends who have committed to caring for them when birth parents cannot.
Prevention and Inclusion Programs (PiPs)
Prevention and inclusion service programs for children in childcare and preschool settings who have special needs.
Extended Kinship Support Program (E-KSP)
Cuyahoga County funded kinship support program information and FAQs.
Home-Delivered Meals
The Options for Independent Living Program provides older adults with fresh, healthy, pre-cooked home-delivered meals that cost less than going to the grocery store.
Education for Healthy Living
A wellness education plan designed for older adults and adults with disabilities who have chronic diseases and need assistance in understanding how to manage their disease and regain their health.
Kinship Mileage Reimbursement
Information about kinship mileage reimbursement and link to form.
Kinship Daycare
Information about daycare for family members caring for children.
State of Ohio Kinship Support Program (KSP)
The state of Ohio’s Kinship Support Program (KSP) provides short-term financial reimbursement for caregivers to meet children’s needs.
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
Ohio offers Home Energy Assistance Programs (HEAP) to help low-income residents pay their heating or cooling bills.
Child Support Mobile App
Learn how to download the Ohio Child Support Mobile App and access case information from your phone.
Pregnancy Prevention
FCFC partners to provide comprehensive sex education programming within several Cuyahoga County school districts.
FCFC Presentations
You can connect with our knowledgeable speakers and presenters.
Record Sealing & Certificate of Qualification for Employment (CQE)
Adults with a criminal history can learn how to seal their record or apply for the Certificate of Qualification for Employment.
Medicare Premium Assistance Programs (MPAP)
Provide coverage of the monthly Medicare premium, deductibles, and co-payments for Medicare Recipients.
Clinical In-Home Services
The Division of Senior and Adult Services offers clinical services to help seniors and adults with disabilities age successfully and independently in their own homes.
Service Coordination
Accessing resources for children with complex needs
Administrative Hearings
Hearings held at the Office of Child Support Services.
Child Support Web Portal
Access your case information through the Child Support Customer Service Web Portal.
Modifying Child Support Orders
Reasons to request a modification of your child support order.
Information about the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court relating to child support.
Interstate Cases
Child Support cases when one party lives in another state.
Child Custody
Information about "legal custody changes" for child support orders.
Payment Information
Information about the multiple ways and locations to make a child support payment.
Post-Incarceration Trauma
Participants in the Adult Transitions Model (ATM), who present symptoms of trauma brought on by their incarceration, will be referred to Community Assessment and Treatment Services (CATS) for trauma-informed care.
Second Chance Reentry Legal Clinic
Adults with criminal records can seek legal assistance through the Case Western Reserve University Reentry Clinic.
North Star Recovery Resource Center
North Star Resource Recovery Center (NRRC) is an innovative resource center that helps individuals who have been involved in the criminal justice system navigate back into society.
Child Support Enforcement
Brief description of enforcement and list of available actions.
Child Care Licensing
Describes the family child care licensing process, procedures and guidelines for Child Care Providers providing care in their home in Cuyahoga County. This is for providers who care for up to 12 children in their home.
Custody and Parenting Time Program
This Cuyahoga County Office of Child Support (OCSS)/Justice Services Collaboration strengthens the link between paternity establishment, custody, and visitation for fathers.
211 Fatherhood Line
The United Way provides the 211 Fatherhood line in Cuyahoga County that links men to the services and programs they need to become better fathers or reconnect with their families.
Warrant Recall Program
Information about Cuyahoga County's Warrant Recall Program.
Parenting Time Opportunities For Children
Information about the Parenting Time Opportunities for Children (PTOC).
Programa de Asistencia para el Cuidado Infantil: Preguntas frecuentes
Preguntas frecuentes para residentes del condado de Cuyahoga que solicitan beneficios de asistencia para el cuidado infantil.
Child Care Assistance Program - Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions for Cuyahoga County residents applying for child care assistance benefits.
Programa de Asistencia para el Cuidado Infantil
El Programa de Asistencia para el Cuidado Infantil ayuda a los residentes elegibles del condado de Cuyahoga a cubrir parte del costo del cuidado infantil.
Asistencia de emergencia: Programa de Prevención, Retención y Contingencia
El programa de Prevención, Retención y Contingencia brinda asistencia y servicios de emergencia a los residentes del condado de Cuyahoga.
Requerimientos para el Programa de Asistencia de Nutricional Suplementaria
Cómo los residentes del condado de Cuyahoga pueden cumplir con los requisitos para acceder a la asistencia alimentaria.
Programa de Asistencia Nutricional Suplementaria
Asistencia nutricional para los residentes del condado de Cuyahoga
Ohio Direction Card
About the Ohio Direction Card, the EBT card for Cuyahoga County residents receiving food assistance.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Work Requirements
How Cuyahoga County residents can meet the SNAP work requirement for food assistance.
Asistencia financiera-Ohio Trabaja Primero
Ohio Trabaja Primero (Ohio Works First, OWF) es un plan de asistencia financiera que forma parte del programa de Asistencia Temporal para Familias Necesitadas (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, TANF). OWF ofrece apoyo temporal a las familias cuyos padres están trabajando en lograr ser autosuficientes.
Become a Worksite Partner
How Cuyahoga County organizations and businesses can become a Worksite Partner for recipients of food assistance.
Work Experience Program
Provides unpaid work experience opportunities for SNAP and TANF recipients.
Ohio Works First: Meeting the Work Requirement
How Cuyahoga County residents can meet the job-readiness and work requirement of the Ohio Works First program.
Training Opportunities for Caregivers
Cuyahoga County offers training on how to better understand and help meet the needs of children and families facing challenging situations.
Foster Home Childcare
How to get childcare for children placed in a Cuyahoga County DCFS licensed foster home.
Support Services for Foster and Adoptive Parents
Information about support services for foster and adoptive parents involved with Cuyahoga County DCFS.
Caring for Children Who Have Experienced Abuse
Even if the children in your care are happy to be with you, they have been through a lot. As a result, the children in your care may need special help to grow and thrive.
Financial Management Services
Financial Management Services are provided through Community Financial Centers (CFC). CFC is dedicated to financial empowerment, helping clients to improve their personal finances by providing resources, advice, and guidance in forming and executing financial plans.
Voter Registration Services
Description of the CJFS services related to voting, including registration and links to other agencies involved with the process
Continuum of Care
The Continuum of Care works to prevent homelessness, assist people while homeless, and transition people into stable housing.
Kinship Care - Grandparent and Family Member Caretakers
Information on kinship care, caring for children who have experienced abuse, and finding resources for help raise children.
Cuidados a largo plazo de Medicaid
Opciones de cuidados a largo plazo para los habitantes en el condado de Cuyahoga que son elegibles para Medicaid.
Planes de atención administrada de Medicaid
Acerca de los planes de atención administrada de Medicaid en el condado de Cuyahoga
Programas de Medicaid
Tipos de programas de Medicaid disponibles para los habitantes en el condado de Cuyahoga.
Medicaid - Español
Cómo los habitantes en el condado de Cuyahoga pueden solicitar los beneficios de Medicaid.
Medicaid Long-Term Care
Long-term care options for Cuyahoga County residents who are Medicaid eligible.
Medicaid Managed Care Plans
About Cuyahoga County Medicaid Managed Care Plans
Medicaid Programs
Types of Medicaid programs available to Cuyahoga County residents.
Adult Protective Services (APS)
An overview of the Adult Protective Services (APS) process, and how to report allegations of abuse.
Neighborhood Collaboratives
Neighborhood Collaboratives offer resources to Cuyahoga County residents at the local level.
Foster Care and Adoption
Every child needs family. Cuyahoga County has hundreds of children who need safe, stable, and loving homes. Find out how you can help.
Mandated Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect
What the law requires of people in Cuyahoga County who are required by law to report child abuse.
Report Child Abuse or Neglect
How Cuyahoga County residents can report suspected child abuse or neglect.
Options for Independent Living
DSAS offers an Options for Independent Living Program, which provides valuable services that help seniors age successfully in their homes.
If You Need Shelter
Emergency shelter for homeless persons in Cuyahoga County.
Youth Homelessness
The Office of Homeless Services works with several community partners to ensure that all homeless young people ages 18-24 in Cuyahoga County have access to safe emergency shelter and permanent housing.
Veteran Homelessness
The Office of Homeless Services works with several community partners to ensure that all homeless Veterans in Cuyahoga County have access to safe emergency shelter and permanent housing.
Housing First
Housing First works to provide permanent supportive housing units to end chronic homelessness in Cuyahoga County.
Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)
The Homeless Management Information System is used to collect and track data concerning Cuyahoga County’s homeless population.
Early Childhood Literacy Help (SPARK)
Overview information on Early Literacy Programs for parents of preschool age children who need a little extra help developing literacy skills necessary for success in Kindergarten.
Pride Caregiver Network
The Pride Caregiver Network provides affirming care for LGBTQ2S youth in Cuyahoga County custody.
Services for children and youth in Cuyahoga County custody with diverse sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.
FAL– Future Advocates & Leaders Group
Future Advocates and Leaders provides teens and young adults more choices for successful living.
Purple Umbrella Task Force
A multi-agency task force to provide stability and resources to young people transitioning from foster care to adulthood.
A Place 4 Me
A system of support for young people who age out of foster care.
Educational Resources for Youth Aging Out of Foster Care
Educational programs, opportunities, and information for Cuyahoga County youth who have aged out of the foster care system.
Resources for Aged-Out Youth
Programs and services for youth and young adults formerly involved with the foster care system.
Youth, Teens, and Young Adults
Support and resources for youth, young adults, and young people who have aged out of foster care.
Supportive Services for Families
How the Cuyahoga County Division of Children and Family Services can help your children thrive.
Sobriety, Treatment and Recovery Teams (START)
Cuyahoga County's Sobriety, Treatment, and Recovery Program (START) helps parents and families overcome drug and alcohol addiction.
Health Care for Children in Custody
All children in Cuyahoga County custody, whether placed in foster or kinship care, are provided health care through Medicaid.
Tapestry System of Care
The Tapestry System of Care provides a support network for Cuyahoga County children with significant emotional or behavioral needs.
Child and Family Focused (Family Preservation)
A short-term crisis intervention program to help stabilize families involved with Cuyahoga County DCFS.
Multisystemic Therapy (MST)
With Multisystemic Therapy an expert will support and advocate for your family.
Supported Visits
This parenting program for Cuyahoga County residents includes up to 17 visits with a coach who will provide real-time feedback of family interaction.
Nurturing Parenting
A program for Cuyahoga County families focusing on changing dysfunctional, abusive, or neglectful child-parent interactions.
Alternatives for Families Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
This evidence-based treatment helps improve the relationship between children and caregivers in Cuyahoga County.
Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Therapy for Cuyahoga County children with post-traumatic stress disorder or other problems related to traumatic life experiences.
Attachment Biobehavioral Catch-up
Therapy to help residential caregivers in Cuyahoga County understand a child's cues and practice appropriate responses.
Parent-Child Interactive Therapy
A supportive therapy service for children and families involved with the Cuyahoga County Division of Children and Family Services.
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Services (IECMH)
Infant and early childhood mental health services available to Cuyahoga County children.
Help Me Grow
Help Me Grow sets up young children in Cuyahoga County for long-term success. Services include early intervention and home visiting.
Father Engagement
The Cuyahoga County Division of Children and Family Services actively works to ensure dads are involved in any matters relating to their children.
Primary Parents
Resources and help for primary or biological parents.
Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program
Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program (CCMEP) provides employment and training services to eligible, low-income individuals between the ages of 14 to 24.
Navegadores de la biblioteca
Ahora puede visitar su biblioteca local para obtener ayuda con la solicitud de alimentos, asistencia médica y asistencia en efectivo.
Workforce Opportunity Resource Centers
The Workforce Opportunity Resource Center (WORC) is your link to workforce resources in Cuyahoga County.
Workforce Development Alliance
A Cuyahoga County and Cuyahoga Community College Partnership.
Library Navigators
You can now visit your local library for help applying for food, medical, and cash assistance.
Cashier Services
The Office of Negotiable Items offers services to the public, including cashier payments, and pick up, background checks, mail services, and customer services with public benefit programs.
The Career Pathway Program for Fathers
Towards Employment’s Career Pathway Program provides comprehensive job preparation training and employment components with a Fathers Group.
Rising Above Program
This is a Workforce Development/Training program at Career Development and Placement Strategies aimed at non-custodial fathers.
Family Resiliency Program
The Passages Program provides programming and services for career exploration and coaching, job referral/employment readiness services, and development of individual case management services.
“Safe & Sound” Supervised Visitation Program
The Supervised Visitation Program provides services for families currently mandated to participate in a supervised visitation program through the Domestic Violence and Child Advocacy Center.
University Settlement Fatherhood Initiative Program
The Fatherhood program engages fathers in school-based programming at three K-8 CMSD schools: Warners Girls Leadership Academy, Mound Stem Elementary, and Albert Bushnell Hart School. The program engages fathers by offering them ways to become better fathers to their children and better role models.
Dads Count Program
The Children’s Museum of Cleveland’s Dads Count Program provides Cuyahoga County fathers and father figures a venue to interact with their children in activities based around the topics in which fathers are especially effective role models.
Murtis Taylor Fatherhood Program
The Murtis Taylor Fatherhood Program is designed to help dads though challenges in becoming stronger fathers.
Fathers and Families Together
The Centers program focuses on enhancing parenting skills of fathers.
Boot Camp for New Dads Program
Program funded by the Cuyahoga County Fatherhood Initiative focused on parenting skills.
Prevention, Retention, and Contingency Program - Emergency Assistance
If you have an emergency that is a one-time, short-term crisis, the Prevention, Retention, and Contingency (PRC) program may be able to help.
Child Care Assistance Program
The Child Care Assistance Program can help you cover part of the cost of child care while you are working or in school. Eligible residents can choose from hundreds of licensed care programs to find the one that best meets their needs.
Utility Assistance
Ohio offers Energy Assistance Programs to help low-income residents pay their heating or cooling bills.
MomsFirst Pregnancy Support Program
MomsFirst is a City of Cleveland program, funded in part by Invest in Children, that offers case management and home visiting services to pregnant moms until their baby reaches 18 months, and serves fathers of participants too.
Newborn Home Visiting Program
The Newborn Home Visiting program provides a home visit by a Registered Nurse to eligible first time and teen moms in Cuyahoga County.
Bright Beginnings' Parent Support Department
The Parent Support Department offers parenting and child development services to parents and caregivers throughout Cleveland and Cuyahoga County.
UPK – Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program for Parents
Information for Parents on Invest in Children's award winning Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program.
UPK – Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program for Providers
Information and forms for Providers on Invest in Children’s award winning Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program.
Out-of-School-Time Activities (OST)
Out-of-School-Time Activities: A referral service is available for after-school and summer programs through Starting Point.
Closing the Achievement Gap (CTAG)
Closing the Achievement Gap (CTAG) program partners with students who need extra guidance to reach future goals.
The Art of Me
Art of Me was created in the hopes of giving youth a positive platform to identify issues and collectively create solutions to encourage mental, emotional, physical health and safety.
Youth Advocacy and Leadership Council (YALC)
The Youth Advocacy and Leadership Coalition is a civic leadership and service learning program through Ohio State University Extension.
The Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas Re-Entry Court
The Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas Re-Entry Court is a judicial release docket, presided over by Judge Nancy Margaret Russo.
Achieve Staffing
Achieve Staffing will place and support job-ready, reentry workers in competitive temporary and temp-to-hire jobs. This enterprise strategy for employment combines the worker focus and supports a job developer with the market orientation of a staffing firm.
Aspire Greater Cleveland
Aspire Greater Cleveland is an Adult Education Program operated by the Cuyahoga County Public Library System.
The Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Veterans Treatment Court
The Cuyahoga County Common Pleas’ Veterans Treatment Court seeks to rehabilitate veterans and those with military experience suffering from substance use disorders by diverting them from the traditional criminal justice system and providing them with the tools to lead a more productive life.
Home Support Services
DSAS offers home support services to help seniors and adults with disabilities age successfully and independently in their own homes.
Fee for Service Program
DSAS offers a Fee for Service Program that provides home support services to disabled adults ages 18 and over on a sliding scale fee basis.
Ohio Home Care Waiver
DSAS offers skilled and home support services to adults with disabilities age 18-59 through the Ohio Home Care Waiver Program.
BenefitsCheckUp® for Seniors
Have you had your BenefitsCheckUp? This free, comprehensive web-based program connects older adults and people with disabilities with benefits programs that can help pay for health care, medicine, food, utilities, and more.
Ryan White Program
DSAS offers services to those living with AIDS under the Ryan White Part A HIV/AIDS Program
Skilled Care Services
Skilled care services help seniors and adults with disabilities age successfully and independently in their own homes.
Bed Bug Remediation Program
Our Information Services Unit assists with bed bug remediation services for older adults and adults with disabilities living in single or double housing units.
Families and Schools Together (FAST)
Find after school or prevention programs for kids, jobs or leadership for teens, advice or assistance for children who are troubled.
Paternity and Support Establishment
Establishment of Paternity and Support Overview, types of paternity establishment, how to apply, where to apply, items to bring. Appointment letter information, reporting change in address or employment
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), also known as food assistance or food stamps, helps individuals and families pay for food. The program is designed to increase nutrition levels and assist in the well-being of individuals in low income households.
Emergency (Expedited) Food Assistance
Cuyahoga County residents may be eligible for a faster decision on food assistance applications if they meet certain criteria.
Ohio Works First
Ohio Works First is a financial assistance part of the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program. OWF provides temporary support to families while parents work their way toward becoming self-sufficient.
Medicaid provides free or low-cost health coverage to millions of low-income Americans. Like other health insurance plans, Medicaid can help pay for doctor’s visits, hospital expenses, long-term care, and more.