Out-of-School-Time Activities (OST)
Out-of-School-Time Activities:
A referral service is available for after-school and summer programs through Starting Point.Find Available Programs
Age: Any age child or teen
The Process for Applying
- Visit http://www.startingpointyouth.com/Search.aspx to find available programs, OR
- Contact: (216) 575-0061
The Art of Me
Art of Me was created in the hopes of giving youth a positive platform to identify issues and collectively create solutions to encourage mental, emotional, physical health and safety.
Families and Schools Together (FAST)
Find after school or prevention programs for kids, jobs or leadership for teens, advice or assistance for children who are troubled.
Closing the Achievement Gap (CTAG)
Closing the Achievement Gap (CTAG) program partners with students who need extra guidance to reach future goals.