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The Art of Me

Many times in our careers, we’ve been told to hold back so as to not disrupt the narrative; effectively silencing our voices. But it is through art and education that we found the strength in our voices and in our communities. We are challenged every single day, all of us, to remain positive despite what is going on around us. We believe that storytelling and expression is a way to connect us with each other and to build on our humanity. 

We believe in giving back, what we can in whatever way we can. We have been lucky enough to have had the experiences we had as professionals in education, media and in social justice work. We want to bring these experiences to our communities and to the students who are seeking these opportunities to be seen, heard, and understood for the beautiful young people they are. Furthermore, we want to help them build a strong sense of self to prepare them for the real world of success, but also time of failure- which is just as crucial to growth. Learn more at

The Process for Applying

Call (216) 443-2030


Closing the Achievement Gap (CTAG)

Closing the Achievement Gap (CTAG)  program partners with students who need extra guidance to reach future goals.

Out-of-School-Time Activities (OST)

Out-of-School-Time Activities: A referral service is available for after-school and summer programs through Starting Point.

Families and Schools Together (FAST)

Find after school or prevention programs for kids, jobs or leadership for teens, advice or assistance for children who are troubled.

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