Access Cold Weather Safety Resources

I Need


Information on applying for Medicaid and other health care programs.

View information on Healthcare

Emergency Assistance

How to access immediate help for food, shelter, and other basic needs.

Financial Assistance

Programs for temporary cash benefits and financial management services.

Housing and Utilities

Programs to help individuals and families find shelter and permanent housing, including veterans and former foster youth.

Food Assistance

Programs for residents who need help paying for food or getting meals.

Senior Services

Programs for older adults and/or disabled adults to preserve their health, safety, and independence.

Long-Term Care

Programs for older and/or disabled adults who need long term care at home or in a facility.

Mental Health

Services for children or adults experiencing mental or behavioral concerns.

Child Support and Paternity

How to establish paternity, request child support, or manage an existing child support case.

Child Support Payment Options

How to pay child support in person or online.

Custody and Visitation

Information on pursuing legal custody or visitation of a child.

Child Care

Programs for parents who need daycare or pre-school for their child, and information for childcare providers.

Abuse and Neglect

How to spot the signs of abuse and neglect for children and older adults, along with instructions on how to report suspected cases for investigation.

Domestic Abuse Services

Community partners and programs to help victims of domestic abuse and violence.

Foster Care and Adoption

Information for people interested in becoming a foster or adoptive parent. Also, resources and training for current foster parents and caregivers.

Education and Training

Services to help you find and prepare for a rewarding career.


Programs to help clients and returning citizens find work. Also, information about jobs with Cuyahoga County.

Reentry Services

Services to help returning citizens with the transition from incarceration to successful community member.

Complaints, Hearings, and Appeals

How to report a concern about the service you received or appeal a decision on your application or case.

Request a Speaker

An HHS representative can attend your meeting or event to share information or training on our programs and services.

Report Suspected Public Assistance Fraud

Fraud occurs when a person knowingly and purposely provides false information about their circumstance to obtain benefits.

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