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About HHS

group of people wearing blue shirtsOur Mission

Mission statement for Cuyahoga County Health and Human Services, links to mission statements for individual departments.

View Our Mission

About Us

Contact Us

General contact information for all departments/offices.

Complaints, Hearings, and Appeals

How to report a concern about the service you received or appeal a decision on your application or case.


Links to individual pages for all departments/offices.


Organizational chart for HHS. Contact information for individual department leadership.


The Department of Health and Human Services has eight Divisions and Offices located in six locations.

Our Mission

Mission statement for Cuyahoga County Health and Human Services, links to mission statements for individual departments.

Strategic Plan

HHS Strategic Plan for 2018-2022

Advisory Boards

Information about advisory boards for Children and Family Services, Homeless Services and Senior and Adult Services.

Civil Rights

How to report possible civil rights violations in the service you received.


Policies and Procedures

State and Federally mandated policies and procedures for HHS departments and offices.

Request a Speaker

Information about and request form for our Speaker’s Bureau.

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