Cuyahoga Job and Family Services

Information on Replacement SNAP Benefits


Cuyahoga Job and Family Services (CJFS) has been approved for a federal waiver that allows mass replacement of SNAP benefits for many Cuyahoga County residents. 

This waiver allows for an automatic replacement of benefits for all SNAP recipients within Cuyahoga County covering the vast majority of County SNAP recipients. To view the complete press release, including the map of zip codes covered and details about the replacement, click here.

Customers who lost food due to an outage of 4 hours or longer and either do not receive an automatic benefit replacement or whose losses exceed the automated replacement have until Sept. 5 to report the loss to CJFS.

Customers must complete the ODJFS Form 07222: Statement Requesting Replacement of SNAP Benefits to request replacement benefits. Customers can submit the completed form to Cuyahoga Job and Family Services:

  • BY MAIL: 1641 Payne Ave., Cleveland, OH 44114

Information on Summer EBT Replacement Benefits

If you are in receipt of Summer EBT benefits and lost food due to a power outage of four hours or more, you can report the loss and request replacement benefits here: For questions about the Summer EBT program, please visit the Summer EBT Help and Support page.


Click here for Information on Reporting Suspected Public Assistance Fraud

CJFS promotes economic self-sufficiency and personal responsibility for families and individuals by providing access to jobs, benefits, and community services. Staff determine eligibility for a range of quality services that include Medicaid, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Prevention, Retention, and Contingency (PRC), Child Care Assistance, and Workforce Programs, in accordance with Federal, State, and County regulations.

Do you need to access your SNAP, Medicaid or cash assistance case? Click here for information on how to apply, update, and check the status of your case.

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