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Foster Home Childcare

Foster mom with her 4 foster children at family fun dayIf you're an agency-licensed foster parent, you may be eligible with help for day care and childcare expenses. When possible caregivers should utilize Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) programs. Request information about day care services by calling Starting Point at 216-575-0061.
  • If you work full-time outside the home or are a full-time student, you may request childcare services for five days per week to accommodate your work or school schedule.
  • If you work part-time or are a stay-at-home caregiver, you may request childcare services for three days per week.
  • If you need more daycare service, you must request permission from the area senior manager. Ask your DCFS resource manager for contact information.
While in Cuyahoga County custody, all children age four and up should be enrolled in a preschool program.

Age Group Average Full-Time Weekly Rate Average Part-Time Weekly Rate (3 days/week)  Daily Reimbursement Rate 
Infant - 0-17 months  Up to $208.91  Up to $125.35  Up to $41.78 
Toddler - 18-35 months  Up to $189.37  Up to $113.62  Up to $37.87 
3-5 years, but not yet in Kindergarten  Up to $168.40  Up to $101.04  Up to $33.68 
5 years and older and in school  Up to $139.20  Up to $83.52  Up to $27.84 

  • If the day care charges are equal to the dollar amount allowed, the provider will receive that dollar amount.
  • If the charges are under allowable maximum amount, the provider will be reimbursed the amount charged.
  • At no time will any provider be paid more than their published day care rate.
If you need or would like to use a day care provider that is not a SUTQ provider, you must contact your resource manager. The resource manager will write out your request, including your reasons for using a specific provider. The senior manager will review this documentation and decide if an exception can be granted.

This service can also be used for minor mothers to cover the cost of day care for their minor children while the mother is in Cuyahoga County custody.

Children in County custody who are placed out of state in the home of a relative, who is also a licensed foster parent, are eligible to participate in this program. They must find a caregiver willing to bill Cuyahoga County.

The Process for Applying

Procedures to Access Day Care

  1. Contact the selected day care provider to find out if there is availability for children placed in your home.
  2. Follow the required procedures to secure day care enrollment. The foster parent resource manager will assist you and the day care provider with all necessary steps to enroll.
  3. Day care providers are reimbursed up to the dollar amounts below, based on their published rates.
  4. The day care provider submits an invoice to the agency within 30 days of service.


Health Care for Children in Custody

All children in Cuyahoga County custody, whether placed in foster or kinship care, are provided health care through Medicaid.

Support Services for Foster and Adoptive Parents

Information about support services for foster and adoptive parents involved with Cuyahoga County DCFS.

Foster Care and Adoption

Every child needs family. Cuyahoga County has hundreds of children who need safe, stable, and loving homes. Find out how you can help.

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