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Utility Assistance

Ohio offers Energy Assistance Programs to help low-income residents pay their heating or cooling bills. CHN Housing Partners is currently managing a COVID-19 specific utility assistance program funded by Cuyahoga County, find more information here

Cuyahoga County Energy Assistance Providers:

About the programs

Home Energy Assistance Program or HEAP – A one-time benefit to help eligible residents with energy bills.

Summer Cooling Program – A one-time benefit to help eligible seniors or those with a certified medical condition pay for summer cooling costs.

Winter Crisis Program – A one-time benefit to help eligible residents maintain their utility service during the winter months. You must be threatened with disconnection, already be disconnected, or have less than a 25 percent supply of bulk fuel in your tank.

Percentage of Income Payment Plan or PIPP– A program that helps eligible residents manage their energy bills year-round. Residents pay a set percentage of their income each month for gas or electricity.

Home Weatherization Assistance Program
– A program to help eligible residents improve the energy efficiency of their homes and reduce utility costs.

Winter Reconnect Order

Any resident in Ohio whose electric or natural gas service has been disconnected or threatened with disconnection may have their service restored or maintained during the winter for a maximum set fee: up to $175 to maintain service, and up to $211 to restore service.

Any resident, regardless of income, may use the Winter Reconnect Order. There is no application required. Contact your utility company directly and follow their procedures to get reconnected.

The Process for Applying

  1. Apply online
  2. Download an application and mail it to one of Cuyahoga County’s Energy Assistance Providers.
  3. Visit an Energy Assistance Provider in person.
    Step Forward
    CHN Housing Partners 
  4. Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities can contact the Division of Senior and Adult Services for assistance with the application process.


If You Need Shelter

Emergency shelter for homeless persons in Cuyahoga County.

Prevention, Retention, and Contingency Program - Emergency Assistance

If you have an emergency that is a one-time, short-term crisis, the Prevention, Retention, and Contingency (PRC) program may be able to help.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), also known as food assistance or food stamps, helps individuals and families pay for food. The program is designed to increase nutrition levels and assist in the well-being of individuals in low income households.

Program Location

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