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Financial Management Services

Cuyahoga County, as part of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Coalition, strives to increase access to Financial Management Services for low to moderate income residents, by partnering with Community Financial Centers.

Financial Management Services are provided through Community Financial Centers (CFC). CFC is dedicated to financial empowerment, helping clients to improve their personal finances by providing resources, advice, and guidance in forming and executing financial plans. CFC helps people make smart, responsible financial choices, and find reliable resources to complete their goals.

CFC is a robust network of professionals who are specially trained coaches. Their first line of resources are managers, who will personally guide people to make meaningful economic changes in their lives. CFC works with an extended network of partners and specialists, including the City of Cleveland, Cleveland Neighborhood Progress, Cuyahoga Community College, Enterprise Community Partners, the Neighborhood Housing Services of Greater Cleveland and United Way of Greater Cleveland, in order to give the best guidance to the greatest number of individuals in need of it.

CFC offers highly professional financial planning and management services to EITC customers and low to moderate income people. The financial coaching provided will result in an individualized, unique plan which customers can use to move forward in their financial life.

Community Financial Centers is based on the model currently implemented in cities across the country and is considered the standard for evidence based financial empowerment.

Examples of the different types of people served:
  • Are you a recent college graduate trying to get by and manage student debt?
    CFC can help you take control of your liabilities and plan for a brighter future.
  • Are you a retiree with a fixed income trying to make ends meet?
    CFC will help you make the most of your resources and find ways to improve your quality of life.
  • Are you developing a financial plan and just need additional guidance?
    CFC is here for you too. With personal financial planning and training sessions, they will help you achieve your financial goals.

Services include...  
  • Personal Financial Planning
    Set goals & structure your budget to reach milestones and avoid missed payments & financial pitfalls.
  • Community Linkages: Premium Banking Services
    Already have a plan? They offer connectivity to premium banking services to each of their clients.
  • Budget Management
    Fixed income, paycheck to paycheck or working on lowering debt? Take their budget training program.
  • Community Linkages: Tax Prep/Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
    Taxes are complicated, but you don’t have to go it alone- they will work with you, one-on-one.
  • Credit Building
    Good credit is crucial. They guide you through the process to help you secure lower interest loans.

The Process for Applying

For information visit the CFC website and/or contact CFC staff

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