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Youth Homelessness

The Office of Homeless Services works with several community partners to ensure that all young people ages 18-24 in Cuyahoga County have access to safe emergency shelter and permanent housing.

Outreach teams targeted to Youth engage young people who are sleeping in places not meant for human habitation or in unsafe housing situations to access emergency shelter Youth beds.

Family mediation services are offered to those youth who identify returning to family as a positive shelter exit option. If this is not an option, youth are offered Rapid Re-Housing and provided Housing Location services and case Management during the months that rent assistance is provided.

OHS, with A Place 4 Me (AP4M) the primary Youth focused organization, is coordinating all the Youth serving agencies and systems to prevent youth homelessness and to improve youth access to community services.


If You Need Shelter

Emergency shelter for homeless persons in Cuyahoga County.

A Place 4 Me

A system of support for young people who age out of foster care.

Housing First

Housing First works to provide permanent supportive housing units to end chronic homelessness in Cuyahoga County.

Program Location

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