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Ryan White Program

As part of the Ryan White Part A C.A.R.E. (Comprehensive AIDS Resource Emergency) Act, the Division of Senior and Adult Services offers home health care to persons living with AIDS in Cuyahoga County. The Ryan White CARE Act provides funding for care to low-income, uninsured and under-insured victims of AIDS and their families. Services are available to eligible adults over the age of 18.

This program has proven to be a significant factor in enabling HIV/AIDS clients to maintain the dignity and comfort of independent living. Our state tested, certified home health aides are experienced in providing the specialized care required by individuals managing this illness.

In addition, our case workers are connected to other HIV/AIDS care agencies to ensure clients have access to comprehensive resources.

Ryan White Program Services

The following services are offered to clients under the Ryan White Program

  • Bathing
  • Errands
  • Food Preparation
  • Feeding
  • Grocery Shopping
  • Hair Care
  • Homemaking
  • Incontinence Care
  • Laundry
  • Light Housekeeping
  • Medication Reminders
  • Oral Hygiene
  • Personal Care
  • Shaving
  • Turning/positioning

How Ryan White Program Services are Covered

Service fees are based on eligibility and income. Clients and their families speak with our knowledgeable case managers confidentially about their needs and abilities, and we work with them to develop the best plan for their well-being.

The Process for Applying

Call (216) 420-6700


Adult Protective Services (APS)

An overview of the Adult Protective Services (APS) process, and how to report allegations of abuse.

Skilled Care Services

Skilled care services help seniors and adults with disabilities age successfully and independently in their own homes.

Fee for Service Program

DSAS offers a Fee for Service Program that provides home support services to disabled adults ages 18 and over on a sliding scale fee basis.

Program Location

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