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Adult Protective Services (APS)


Dollarphotoclub_96628240The Division of Senior and Adult Services (DSAS) is the provider of Adult Protective Services (APS) in Cuyahoga County. APS is mandated to protect and assist adults 60 and over who may be victims of abuse, neglect, self-neglect and/or financial exploitation. Allegations of abuse of adults with disabilities ages 18 and over can also be investigated, provided the adult is willing to participate on a voluntary basis.  

               All reports to DSAS are confidential.

What are Adult Protective Services?

Adult Protective Services are governed by state mandate per Ohio Revised Code (Section 5101.60 to 5101.71).  Adult Protective Services help vulnerable adults age 60 and older (or adults with disabilities, age 18-59) who are in danger of harm, and/or are unable to protect themselves, and may have no one to assist them. The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) provides oversight for the state’s Adult Protective Services programs. Our County department receives and investigates report of abuse, neglect and exploitation of vulnerable adults and evaluates the need for protective services.

What qualifies for an APS case?

In Ohio, criteria for acceptance of an APS case are:
  • Age 60 and over (or age 18-59 with disabilities)
  • Must be impaired and/or disabled
  • Must have an allegation of abuse, neglect, self-neglect, or exploitation
  • Must live in the community (not a licensed facility)

What APS does

  • Screens and investigates adult abuse allegations
  • Works with individuals and families to reduce or alleviate abuse
  • Works with medical professionals to determine capacity, remedies for abuse, and protective services
  • Provides case planning, including referrals to community services
  • Works with the family and other support systems of the victim to implement a safety plan
  • Determines alternate plans if there is no support available
  • Follows up to ensure case plan is appropriate and individual is no longer at risk

Adult Protective Services Collaborative

APS convenes the Cuyahoga County Adult Protective Services Collaborative as an interdisciplinary team of professionals who provide a coordinated community response to promote positive outcomes for victims of elder abuse.  The Collaborative meets monthly and provides insight on handling difficult cases, promotes increased coordination among agencies and provides a forum for sharing strategies.  

What you can do

If you suspect that an older adult in Cuyahoga County is the victim of abuse, neglect, self-neglect, or exploitation, PLEASE REPORT IT. Some professionals are "Mandated Reporters" as determined by the State, and must report abuse.  Are you a Mandated Reporter?  

How to Report
Hotline: 216-420-6700
Ohio APS Online Elder Abuse Referral Portal 
(Open seven days a week, 24 hours a day, including holidays.)
APS Portal Guide

The Process for Applying


Program Contacts

Sylvia Pla-Raith, MA, LSW
Lawrence Vavro


Utility Assistance

Ohio offers Energy Assistance Programs to help low-income residents pay their heating or cooling bills.

Options for Independent Living

DSAS offers an Options for Independent Living Program, which provides valuable services that help seniors age successfully in their homes.

Home Support Services

DSAS offers home support services to help seniors and adults with disabilities age successfully and independently in their own homes.

BenefitsCheckUp® for Seniors

Have you had your BenefitsCheckUp? This free, comprehensive web-based program connects older adults and people with disabilities with benefits programs that can help pay for health care, medicine, food, utilities, and more.

Program Location

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