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Skilled Care Services

The Division of Senior and Adult Services offers skilled care services to help seniors and adults with disabilities age successfully and independently in their own homes. Skilled care services are available to Cuyahoga County residents who are Medicare/Medicaid eligible and under the care of a physician. Our goal is to provide caring, efficient, and effective home health care to adult medical/surgical patients, geriatric patients, and adults with multiple, or unstable medical conditions.

Our skilled care services include:

  • Skilled Nursing
  • Physical Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Speech Therapy
  • Medical Social Services
  • Home Health Aide Services 

Skilled nursing services are supervised by Registered Nurses and provided by skilled home health aides. Clients receive a comprehensive assessment; care as prescribed by a physician; coordination of care and services; and client/family education. Education is a vital component of our care plan, so that clients and their families fully understand their diagnosis, illness, care plan, appropriate diet, and prescribed medications.

Eligibility Requirements

Potential clients for skilled care services are eligible if they are:

  • Residents of Cuyahoga County over age 18
  • Medicaid/Medicare eligible
  • In need of medical or rehabilitation care
  • Living in their own home or apartment

How Services are Covered

Service fees are based on eligibility and income. Clients and their families speak with our knowledgeable case managers confidentially about their needs and abilities, and we work with them to develop the best plan for their well-being.

The Process for Applying

Call (216) 420-6700.


Ohio Home Care Waiver

DSAS offers skilled and home support services to adults with disabilities age 18-59 through the Ohio Home Care Waiver Program.

Home Support Services

DSAS offers home support services to help seniors and adults with disabilities age successfully and independently in their own homes.

Ryan White Program

DSAS offers services to those living with AIDS under the Ryan White Part A HIV/AIDS Program

Fee for Service Program

DSAS offers a Fee for Service Program that provides home support services to disabled adults ages 18 and over on a sliding scale fee basis.

Program Location

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