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Bright Beginnings' Parent Support Department

Parent Support Banner2

The Parent Support Department offers parenting and child development services to parents and caregivers throughout Cleveland and Cuyahoga County. Our dedicated professionals connect parents and caregivers with the knowledge, support, and resources required to educate, empower and enrich their children, thus setting them up for lifelong success.

Bright Beginnings Services

Our parent support staff provides services that are accessible and inclusive, including:

Fatherhood Resources

Fatherhood Resources can answer the questions men have on their journey toward becoming the the kind of father they aspire to be.


Parents Connect 8-22    Cuyahoga Parents Connect

  An online community of parents supporting one another in 
  raising the next generation.


Parent Support Lead Program 

Individualized services to families of children affected by lead, designed to mitigate the impact of lead exposure on child development and reduce exposure to lead in the home. 

Triple-P-Logo-e1454701789491 (1)

Positive Parenting Program (Triple P) 


An international, evidence-based parenting program offering practical strategies and support for everyday parenting challenges



Parents-as-Teachers 8-22   Parents as Teachers

   An international, evidence-based home-visiting program   
   offering virtual and in-person services designed to give your 
   child the best start in life


The Process for Applying

Using the links above, you can find detailed information for that program, including how to apply and how to reach out for additional information.  If you are unable to find what you need, you can call Bright Beginnings at 216-698-7500.


Help Me Grow

Help Me Grow sets up young children in Cuyahoga County for long-term success. Services include early intervention and home visiting.

MomsFirst Pregnancy Support Program

MomsFirst is a City of Cleveland program, funded in part by Invest in Children, that offers case management and home visiting services to pregnant moms until their baby reaches 18 months, and serves fathers of participants too.

Newborn Home Visiting Program

The Newborn Home Visiting program provides a home visit by a Registered Nurse to eligible first time and teen moms in Cuyahoga County.

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