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Help Me Grow

Woman painting child's face while child smiles

Help Me Grow
 is a system of supports for pregnant women, caregivers with new babies, and families with young children with developmental delays and disabilities.

Services and supports are provided through Home Visiting and Early Intervention.      

  • Home Visiting is a voluntary, home-based service offered at no cost to the family. Trained professionals offer information and support during pregnancy and empower parents with skills, tools, and confidence to nurture the healthy growth of their child throughout the child’s earliest years.          
  • Early Intervention supports families of young children birth to age three with developmental delays and disabilities. These services are typically provided in the home or other places the family spends time and builds on their ability to enhance the child’s learning and development.

Age Range: Pregnant women and young children birth to age three

The Process for Applying

The Process for Applying

Making a referral to Help Me Grow is the first and easy step for pregnant women, parents, and caregivers who have questions or concerns about their pregnancy, infant, or child under the age of three. One referral to Help Me Grow opens the door to many programs that support families.

The referral process is simple: 

-- Anyone can refer a child to Help Me Grow. Pregnant women and families with young children can also self-refer.

-- All it takes is a simple phone call to 216-930-3322 in Cuyahoga County or 1-800-755-GROW across Ohio or filling out a short form online

­­­Families with young children under age three who are actively involved with Cuyahoga County’s Division of Children and Family Services will be referred to Help Me Grow.


Child and Family Focused (Family Preservation)

A short-term crisis intervention program to help stabilize families involved with Cuyahoga County DCFS.

Alternatives for Families Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

This evidence-based treatment helps improve the relationship between children and caregivers in Cuyahoga County.

Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Therapy for Cuyahoga County children with post-traumatic stress disorder or other problems related to traumatic life experiences.

Attachment Biobehavioral Catch-up

Therapy to help residential caregivers in Cuyahoga County understand a child's cues and practice appropriate responses.

Parent-Child Interactive Therapy

A supportive therapy service for children and families involved with the Cuyahoga County Division of Children and Family Services.

Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Services (IECMH)

Infant and early childhood mental health services available to Cuyahoga County children.

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