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Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Services (IECMH)

Boy sitting at table doing craftsIECMH treatment is provided locally though behavioral health agencies and provides intensive treatment for children with social-emotional or behavioral concerns. Providers use age-appropriate interventions to help children develop more appropriate social emotional skills with the support of their caregiver.

All services rely on active participation of the child's parent or caregiver. Families are not required to have an open case with DCFS.

Age Range: Birth through age 5.

The Process for Applying

Learn more by:

  1. Calling 216-801-2778, OR
  2. Providers or parents can submit a program  ECMH Referral Form Updated 9-30-2024.
  3. IECMH Enrollment Form_2025 - (Fillable) - FOR PROVIDER USE ONLY
  4. IECMH-Residency-Verification - (Fillable) -- FOR PROVIDER USE ONLY


Bright Beginnings' Parent Support Department

The Parent Support Department offers parenting and child development services to parents and caregivers throughout Cleveland and Cuyahoga County.

Training Opportunities for Caregivers

Cuyahoga County offers training on how to better understand and help meet the needs of children and families facing challenging situations.

Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Services (IECMH)

Infant and early childhood mental health services available to Cuyahoga County children.

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