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Child Care Assistance Program

The Child Care Assistance Program can help you cover part of the cost of child care while you are working or in school. Eligible residents can choose from hundreds of licensed care programs to find the one that best meets their needs.

Eligibility is based on income and household size. Visit the Child Care Assistance Income Eligibility Guide to see if you might qualify.

Finding an eligible provider

Visit to find a child care program that best meet your needs. Make sure to select “Publicly Funded Child Care” in the “Other services provided” field to see which programs are eligible for child care assistance.

Tracking your child’s attendance

Once approved for assistance, you will receive instructions on how to track your child’s attendance in care using an app on your smart phone or mobile device. Visit Child Care Time, Attendance, and Payment to learn more.

Reapplying for benefits

You must reapply for child care benefits every year. You will receive a re-determination packet in the mail 45 days before your benefits expire. You must fill out this application and return it with required verification within 30 days.

Re-Determination Application

Making Changes

If you are approved for child care benefits and your circumstances change, download and complete the Child Care Change Request Form.

 Child Care Change Request Form 

Return forms to a Neighborhood Family Service Center; fax them to 216-987-8655; or mail them to 1641 Payne Ave., #200, Cleveland, OH 44114.

The Process for Applying

  1. Apply online at 
  2. Apply in person at a Neighborhood Family Service Center.


UPK – Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program for Parents

Information for Parents on Invest in Children's award winning Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program.

Help Me Grow

Help Me Grow sets up young children in Cuyahoga County for long-term success. Services include early intervention and home visiting.

Child Care Assistance Program - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions for Cuyahoga County residents applying for child care assistance benefits.

Related Information

Program Location

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