UPK – Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program for Parents

What is a high-quality Universal Pre-Kindergarten Site?
A UPK site is a preschool in Cuyahoga County's award-winning program to help 3-5 year olds have access to a high-quality prekindergarten program. Only those preschools rated three stars or higher in Ohio's Step Up To Quality system meet our higher gold standard of quality.
Where Can I Find a UPK Site?
UPK SITE FULL LIST - Updated 10-16-24
You can also find a UPK site by calling Staring Point at (216) 575-0061
UPK Quality:
UPK Preschools meet these high standards and many others: - Teachers hold higher education credentials.
- Low teacher / child ratios
- A child's unique needs are the basis for experiences and activities.
- A child's screening and assessment results are shared with families.
- Family and community input informs continuous center improvement.
UPK Scholarships:
Any preschool aged resident of Cuyahoga County can attend a UPK Preschool. Each program sets its own tuition amount, but Cuyahoga County can provide 50% scholarship assistance to families earning up to 400 percent of the federal poverty level (for example: up to $124,800 annual income for a family of four.) Ask your selected UPK site for more information.
UPK and Families:
UPK has won five national awards for family engagement. Our sites work hard to provide the best in family centered care. A two-generation approach means that support is available for both your child AND you!
As a UPK parent, you will:
- partner with staff about your child's care and education.
- receive frequent communications about your child's progress.
- have opportunities to volunteer.
- learn about resources that will help prepare your child and your family for success.
Early Childhood Literacy Help (SPARK)
Overview information on Early Literacy Programs for parents of preschool age children who need a little extra help developing literacy skills necessary for success in Kindergarten.
Child Care Assistance Program
The Child Care Assistance Program can help you cover part of the cost of child care while you are working or in school. Eligible residents can choose from hundreds of licensed care programs to find the one that best meets their needs.