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Early Childhood Literacy Help (SPARK)

Grandma ReadingSupporting Partnerships to Assure Ready Kids (SPARK) is a family-focused intervention program that helps 3 and 4-year-olds get ready for school by building reading, language and social skills. SPARK’s home visiting services extend over a 12-month period and include:
  • Individualized support and learning opportunities from a Parent Partner.
  • Developmental assessments, screenings and linkages to community resources.
  • Assistance with the transition to kindergarten.
  • Educational supplies.
Call Family Connections at 216-921-2023 for more information about SPARK


UPK – Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program for Parents

Information for Parents on Invest in Children's award winning Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program.

Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Services (IECMH)

Infant and early childhood mental health services available to Cuyahoga County children.

Bright Beginnings' Parent Support Department

The Parent Support Department offers parenting and child development services to parents and caregivers throughout Cleveland and Cuyahoga County.

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