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Become a Worksite Partner

Many adults who receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits are required to meet work, education, or volunteer requirements to maintain their benefits. Your organization can help by becoming a Worksite Partner.

Worksite Partners provide valuable on-the-job experiences and training to participants, who in turn will assist with day-to-day operations.

As part of the employment and training program, volunteers are available to help your organization with:
  • clerical and administrative tasks
  • general labor
  • maintenance
  • landscaping
  • recreation services
  • food service
To take advantage of the program, your organization must:
  • provide a positive work experience
  • closely supervise volunteers
  • accurately track the time volunteers are at work

The Process for Applying

To learn more about becoming a Worksite Partner:
  1. Call 216-987-7076 or
  2. email


Ohio Works First: Meeting the Work Requirement

How Cuyahoga County residents can meet the job-readiness and work requirement of the Ohio Works First program.

Work Experience Program

Provides unpaid work experience opportunities for SNAP and TANF recipients.

Ohio Works First

Ohio Works First is a financial assistance part of the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program. OWF provides temporary support to families while parents work their way toward becoming self-sufficient.

Related Information

Program Location

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