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Work Experience Program

The Work Experience Program (WEP) provides services for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and/or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients that are assigned to complete work activities. WEP consists of 1-6 months of unpaid work experience in the public or private sector which enables participants to:
  • “Practice” work.
  • Learn soft skills.
  • Gain job related skills, knowledge, and training.
In addition, participants gain recent work experience to include on their resume and a positive job reference needed for success in his/her job search. Work performed in WEP is like work normally paid to employees in that job. WEP participants are held to the same performance expectations as that of paid employees including punctuality, dependability, professional appearance, and good customer service.

WEP is offered full and part time. WEP is designed for individuals who need to update their work history and obtain a positive job reference to be successful in their job search.



Become a Worksite Partner

How Cuyahoga County organizations and businesses can become a Worksite Partner for recipients of food assistance.

Ohio Works First: Meeting the Work Requirement

How Cuyahoga County residents can meet the job-readiness and work requirement of the Ohio Works First program.

Ohio Works First

Ohio Works First is a financial assistance part of the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program. OWF provides temporary support to families while parents work their way toward becoming self-sufficient.

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