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Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), also known as food assistance or food stamps, helps individuals and families pay for food. The program is designed to increase nutrition levels and assist in the well-being of individuals in low income households.

Am I eligible?

The best way to find out if you might be eligible is to check your eligibility online. Eligibility for SNAP is based on:

  • Family size - Who purchases and prepares meals together in a household?
  • Income - Is your household’s monthly gross income at or under 130% of the Federal Poverty 
  • Expenses - Do I have shelter, medical, or dependent care expenses?
  • Assets - Do you have resources (checking or savings accounts, stocks and bonds, etc.) totaling more than $2000?

How are SNAP benefits issued?

Once you are approved for SNAP, you will be mailed an Ohio Direction Card, a plastic card that looks like a debit or credit card. Each month the approved SNAP benefit amount will be automatically loaded on the card and can be used to buy groceries at most grocery stores across Cuyahoga County.

Find stores and markets that accept the Ohio Direction Card near you.

SNAP benefits can be used to purchase:

  • Foods for the household to eat
  • Seeds and plants that produce food

SNAP benefits cannot be used to purchase:

  • Beer, wine, liquor, cigarettes, or tobacco
  • Nonfood items like pet food, paper products, or cleaning supplies
  • Vitamins and medicines
  • Hot foods, restaurant meals 

More information about SNAP eligible food items.

Interim Reporting Requirements


Most SNAP recipients are approved for benefits for a 12 month period.* Mid-way through that certification period, these customers will be asked to complete an interim report to report any changes to Cuyahoga Job and Family Services. This report must be completed in one of two ways:

  1. Self-Service Portal Web Site: at

    You may use the Interim Report SSP Guide for instructions on how to submit this form electronically.

    For instructions on how to set up a self-service portal account and link it to your case, click the navigation menu in the upper left-hand corner and select “help” to access a complete guide.

  2. Submit a hard copy of the Interim Report

Customers will be mailed a copy of their interim report at the last address we have on file for the case.

You can also pick up or download a copy of a blank interim report - Form 07221.

  • In Person - at most of our Neighborhood Family Service Center locations. (See list below)
  • Online - You can download a blank copy of the form from the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services Forms Central page at Once on the forms central page, search for the blank Interim Report form using the form number “07221”.

You may submit your completed and signed report and any additional verification documents, in one of the following ways:

  1. Mail to: 1641 Payne Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44114
  2. Email (as an attachment) to:
  3. Drop off at any CJFS Document Drop-off location:

This institution is an equal opportunity provider. Visit Cuyahoga Job and Family Services provides access to an interpreter at no charge to customers who are limited – English proficient and individuals with impaired vision and/or hearing.

Virgil E. Brown
1641 Payne Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44114

9830 Lorain Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44102

Jane Edna Hunter
3955 Euclid Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44115

Quincy Place
8111 Quincy Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44104

: If you answer “YES” to any questions about changes to your case, you MUST submit documents verifying the reported change. Failure to do so will mean your report will be considered incomplete.

*Most customers are approved for a 12-month certification period for SNAP benefits. Some elderly and disabled customers may be eligible for a 36-month certification period. These cases are not required to provide an interim report.

Work Requirements

Once approved for SNAP, adults in a household who are considered able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs) may be subject to work, education, or training requirements to receive SNAP benefits.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider. Visit Cuyahoga Job and Family Services provides access to an interpreter at no charge to customers who are limited – English proficient and individuals with impaired vision and/or hearing.



The Process for Applying

  1. Apply online
  2. Call 844-640-OHIO (6446), Mon – Fri 8am to 4pm
  3. Visit your local library for help applying online, by phone, or by fax
  4. In-person at a Neighborhood Family Service Center


Ohio Works First

Ohio Works First is a financial assistance part of the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program. OWF provides temporary support to families while parents work their way toward becoming self-sufficient.


Medicaid provides free or low-cost health coverage to millions of low-income Americans. Like other health insurance plans, Medicaid can help pay for doctor’s visits, hospital expenses, long-term care, and more.

Child Care Assistance Program

The Child Care Assistance Program can help you cover part of the cost of child care while you are working or in school. Eligible residents can choose from hundreds of licensed care programs to find the one that best meets their needs.

Emergency (Expedited) Food Assistance

Cuyahoga County residents may be eligible for a faster decision on food assistance applications if they meet certain criteria.

Prevention, Retention, and Contingency Program - Emergency Assistance

If you have an emergency that is a one-time, short-term crisis, the Prevention, Retention, and Contingency (PRC) program may be able to help.

Related Information

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