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Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Work Requirements

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) helps families and individuals pay for food. The program is also designed to help recipients become self-sufficient through employment and training activities. Employment and training activities aim to increase work experience and skills, so individuals can work towards a career path.

In Ohio, most able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs) are required to participate in a work activity. An ABAWD is any individual who is:
  • At least 18 years old, but not yet 53,
  • Able-bodied,
  • Not pregnant, and
  • Not in an assistance group with a minor child.

There are different ways to meet the work requirement.
  • Work or volunteer 20 hours per week
  • Participate 20 hours per week in a Job Search/Job Readiness program (for a maximum of three months)
  • Participate in a Work Experience Program (WEP)
  • Participate in an approved education or training program

A Cuyahoga County Eligibility Specialist will meet with you to determine the best activity for your skills and needs.

You may be exempt from the Employment and Training program requirement if you are:
  • Younger than 18 or older than 52
  • Mentally or physically unfit for employment as determined by the county agency or a medical professional
  • Responsible for the care of an incapacitated individual
  • Pregnant
  • Involved in a domestic violence situation
  • Participating in a drug or alcohol treatment program
  • Applying for unemployment compensation
  • Receiving benefits with someone who is under 18
  • Homeless
  • A veteran
  • Young Adult (younger than 24) who aged out of foster care at 18
Additional Contacts
Ohio Benefits Eligibility Contact Center: 844-640-OHIO

Jobs, Education, and Training (JET) Center Information Line: 216-987-7316

SNAP to Skills Information Line: 216-987-7316


Ohio Works First

Ohio Works First is a financial assistance part of the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program. OWF provides temporary support to families while parents work their way toward becoming self-sufficient.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), also known as food assistance or food stamps, helps individuals and families pay for food. The program is designed to increase nutrition levels and assist in the well-being of individuals in low income households.

Become a Worksite Partner

How Cuyahoga County organizations and businesses can become a Worksite Partner for recipients of food assistance.

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