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Ohio Direction Card

Once your family is approved for food assistance, you’ll receive an Ohio Direction Card with instructions for how to activate your card and set up your PIN, a secret code that you will need to make purchases.

You can use the card, which looks just like a credit card, to make food purchases at most grocery stores. Simply swipe the card through the card reader, enter your PIN, and the purchase amount is deducted from your total monthly benefit amount.

Find stores and markets that accept the Ohio Direction Card near you.

SNAP benefits can be used to purchase:

  • Foods for the household to eat
  • Seeds and plants that produce foodimage of Ohio Direction card

SNAP benefits cannot be used to purchase:

  • Beer, wine, liquor, cigarettes, or tobacco
  • Nonfood items like pet food, paper products, or cleaning supplies
  • Vitamins and medicines
  • Hot foods, restaurant meals 

More information about SNAP eligible food items.

Your benefits will be automatically loaded onto your card each month. Find out what day of the month your benefits will be issued by looking at the last digit of your case number:

Last Digit of Case Number  Day of the Month Your Benefits will be Issued 

For example, if your case number is 256455, your food benefits will be issued on the 12th of each month.

You can check your benefits balance three ways:


Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), also known as food assistance or food stamps, helps individuals and families pay for food. The program is designed to increase nutrition levels and assist in the well-being of individuals in low income households.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Work Requirements

How Cuyahoga County residents can meet the SNAP work requirement for food assistance.

Emergency (Expedited) Food Assistance

Cuyahoga County residents may be eligible for a faster decision on food assistance applications if they meet certain criteria.

Related Information

Program Location

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