Medicaid Programs
There are several different Medicaid programs depending on you and your family’s age, income, and special needs. When you apply for Medicaid, an eligibility specialist will determine which programs are available to you and your family.
Medicaid programs include:
Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) or Community Medicaid
This is the most common type of Medicaid, providing health insurance through Managed Care Plans to adults age 19-64, children, and families that meet eligibility and income-based requirements. Gross monthly income must fall within 138 percent of the federal poverty guidelines, and can not be receiving Medicare or Supplemental Security Income.
Categorically Needy or Aged, Blind, and Disabled (ABD)
Aged Individuals - 65 and older
Disabled Individuals
Blind Individuals
Medicare Premium Assistance Programs These programs help Medicare recipients pay for monthly premiums and, in some cases, co-pays.
- Long-Term Care
These programs help pay for long-term care. There are options for home and community-based care, care in a facility, and additional services.
The Process for Applying
- Apply Online
- Call 844-640-OHIO (6446), Mon – Fri 8am to 4pm
- Visit your local library for help applying online, by phone, or by fax
- In-person at a Neighborhood Family Service Center
Medicaid Managed Care Plans
About Cuyahoga County Medicaid Managed Care Plans
Medicaid Long-Term Care
Long-term care options for Cuyahoga County residents who are Medicaid eligible.
Skilled Care Services
Skilled care services help seniors and adults with disabilities age successfully and independently in their own homes.
Ohio Home Care Waiver
DSAS offers skilled and home support services to adults with disabilities age 18-59 through the Ohio Home Care Waiver Program.
Medicaid provides free or low-cost health coverage to millions of low-income Americans. Like other health insurance plans, Medicaid can help pay for doctor’s visits, hospital expenses, long-term care, and more.