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Prevention and Inclusion Programs (PiPs)

SNCC PhotoPrevention and Inclusion Programs (PiPs) (formally known as The Special Needs Child Care System) is implemented by Starting Point and funded by Invest in Children. The program supports young children with developmental, health, physical, social-emotional or behavioral challenges in the classroom. Our team of experts work with child care staff to build a positive classroom environment with individualized support, necessary equipment, and appropriate activities. 

If you live in Cuyahoga County and have a child with these needs, PiPs can help you find a positive child care environment, dedicated teachers and expert support so your child will thrive.

Call Starting Point at (216) 575-0061.

Prevention and Inclusion Program Brochure


The Process for Applying

To participate in this program, call Starting Point

216-575-0061 or 800-880-0971


UPK – Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program for Providers

Information and forms for Providers on Invest in Children’s award winning Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program.

UPK – Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program for Parents

Information for Parents on Invest in Children's award winning Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program.

Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Services (IECMH)

Infant and early childhood mental health services available to Cuyahoga County children.

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