Fathers and Families Together

The overall goal of this program, located at The Centers office in Gordon Square, is to enhance parenting skills of fathers through participation in a series of educational life skills workshops and group support activities.

The program provides father-focused discussions, workshops, career training, employment opportunities, and resources that encourage healthy and financially stable parental relationships. Offered virtually and in-person, fathers have access to all The Centers’ services such as 5 Star Early Learning Centers, Primary Care, Dental, Community Pharmacies, Counseling, and more.

The Process for Applying

Call Jaime Rodriguez at (216) 961-2981 or email Jaime.rodriguez@thecentersohio.org.


Dads Count Program

The Children’s Museum of Cleveland’s Dads Count Program provides Cuyahoga County fathers and father figures a venue to interact with their children in activities based around the topics in which fathers are especially effective role models.

Murtis Taylor Fatherhood Program

The Murtis Taylor Fatherhood Program is designed to help dads though challenges in becoming stronger fathers.

Boot Camp for New Dads Program

Program funded by the Cuyahoga County Fatherhood Initiative focused on parenting skills.

Program Location

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