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Achieve Staffing

AchieveStaffing_Picture_LogoAchieve Staffing is a social enterprise that places job-ready Clevelanders with previous involvement in the criminal justice system into competitive temporary, temp-to-hire jobs, and permanent jobs.  Achieve Staffing is your first choice for a second chance.

At Achieve Staffing, we don’t let your record or conviction get in your way.  Achieve Staffing will help you find a job today.  We are there at every step – as you prepare for your interview, get to the interview, get the job, and keep the job.  Achieve Staffing helps you today, so you have a job tomorrow – with a weekly paycheck!

We know where the good jobs are – the jobs that pay a living wage.

The Process for Applying

To become an Achiever and get started with building your career, call Achieve Staffing at (216) 282-7335 or email



Aspire Greater Cleveland

Aspire Greater Cleveland is an Adult Education Program operated by the Cuyahoga County Public Library System.

The Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Veterans Treatment Court

The Cuyahoga County Common Pleas’ Veterans Treatment Court seeks to rehabilitate veterans and those with military experience suffering from substance use disorders by diverting them from the traditional criminal justice system and providing them with the tools to lead a more productive life.

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