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State of Ohio Kinship Support Program (KSP)


The state of Ohio’s Kinship Support Program (KSP) provides short-term financial reimbursement for caregivers to meet children’s needs under the following guidelines:

  • The child(ren) must be in DCFS custody to receive KSP payments.
  • If the child is in the custody of the kin caregiver (emergency, temporary, or legal custody), then the caregiver should apply for TANF/OWF child only benefits through Cuyahoga Job and Family Services (
  • The kin caregiver may be an approved relative or non-relative to receive KSP payments.
  • There is no application process and no need to apply.
  • If a child is placed with kin before September 29, 2021, caregivers will receive KSP payments for no more than nine months from the date the child was placed in the home.
  • If a child is placed with kin after September 30, 2021, caregivers will receive KSP payments for no more than six months from the date that the child was placed in the home.
  • Payments are retroactive to the day of placement with the kin caregiver and start once the kin caregiver is fully approved. Payments are reimbursed for the previous month.
  • Caregivers will receive KSP payments up until they become a licensed foster caregiver, until the child is no longer placed in the home as a kinship placement, or the time frame described above has ended, whichever happens first.
  • Caregivers cannot receive KSP and JFS TANF/OWF child only benefits at the same time.
  • If anyone in the caregiver’s household receives SNAP or Cash benefits, they are required to report the KSP payments to CJFS to determine any adjustments in eligibility.

The Process for Applying

No application needed.  


Kinship Care - Grandparent and Family Member Caretakers

Information on kinship care, caring for children who have experienced abuse, and finding resources for help raise children.

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