Options for Independent Living

Our staff are Medicare/Medicaid certified. Our team includes Home Health Aides who receive continuing education, registered nurses who monitor quality of care and case managers who help navigate social service systems.
Options for Independent Living Services
Case Management
- Chore Services
- Emergency Response Devices
- Grab Bar Installation
- Home Delivered Meals
- Homemaking Services
- Medical Transportation
- Personal Care
- Ages 18-59 and disabled or 60 years and over
- A Cuyahoga County resident
- Living in a private home or apartment (not in a licensed facility)
- Needing assistance with daily activities: limited vision, limited mobility, or needing help with bathing or food preparation
- Eligible for support services based on an assessment of need
- Have a modest monthly income and limited financial reserves

Service fees are based on eligibility and income. Clients and their families speak with our knowledgeable case managers confidentially about their needs and abilities, and we work with them to develop the best plan for their well-being.
For further information on any of our programs, or to make referral, call 216-420-6700.
Program Contacts
Ryan White Program
DSAS offers services to those living with AIDS under the Ryan White Part A HIV/AIDS Program
Fee for Service Program
DSAS offers a Fee for Service Program that provides home support services to disabled adults ages 18 and over on a sliding scale fee basis.
Skilled Care Services
Skilled care services help seniors and adults with disabilities age successfully and independently in their own homes.
Ohio Home Care Waiver
DSAS offers skilled and home support services to adults with disabilities age 18-59 through the Ohio Home Care Waiver Program.
Medicaid provides free or low-cost health coverage to millions of low-income Americans. Like other health insurance plans, Medicaid can help pay for doctor’s visits, hospital expenses, long-term care, and more.
Home Support Services
DSAS offers home support services to help seniors and adults with disabilities age successfully and independently in their own homes.