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Youth Advocacy and Leadership Council (YALC)

It is a civic leadership program for youth ages 13-18 in Cuyahoga County. The YALC develops young adult leaders by training and supporting them in advocating for youth issues and links them to their communities through service learning experiences.

The YALC usually has between 150–200 members, with tiers of leadership and engagement. There are members from all 11 Cuyahoga County Council districts.

The Process for Applying

  1. Call (216) 429-8200, ext. 234, OR
  2. Visit


The Art of Me

Art of Me was created in the hopes of giving youth a positive platform to identify issues and collectively create solutions to encourage mental, emotional, physical health and safety.

Closing the Achievement Gap (CTAG)

Closing the Achievement Gap (CTAG)  program partners with students who need extra guidance to reach future goals.

Out-of-School-Time Activities (OST)

Out-of-School-Time Activities: A referral service is available for after-school and summer programs through Starting Point.

Program Location

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