Custody and Parenting Time Program
This Cuyahoga County Office of Child Support (OCSS)/Justice Services Collaboration strengthens the link between paternity establishment, custody, and visitation for fathers.
- The Fatherhood Initiative provides a staff person in the child support building to inform parents of their rights to visitation and assists them to begin the mediation process.
- Mediation assists in the development of a parenting plan and may lead to participation in a parenting education program.
The Process for Applying
Call the Fatherhood Initiative: 216-348-3967Programs
Parenting Time Opportunities For Children
Information about the Parenting Time Opportunities for Children (PTOC).
“Safe & Sound” Supervised Visitation Program
The Supervised Visitation Program provides services for families currently mandated to participate in a supervised visitation program through the Domestic Violence and Child Advocacy Center.
Dads Count Program
The Children’s Museum of Cleveland’s Dads Count Program provides Cuyahoga County fathers and father figures a venue to interact with their children in activities based around the topics in which fathers are especially effective role models.