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Bed Bug Remediation Program

To address the growing concern of bed bug infestations in the County, our Information Services Unit has launched a bed bug remediation program. The program is available to eligible older adults and adults with disabilities who are residing in single or double unit housing and are experiencing an infestation problem.

The program provides for up to three free visits by a licensed extermination company. To date, over 100 residences throughout the County have been restored by this program.

Who is eligible?

  • You must meet income guidelines (See chart below)
  • You must be 60 years of age or older or an adult, 18-59 year old with a disability.
  • You must reside in Cuyahoga County and live in the home to be treated.

Household Size  Income Guidelines 
 1  $35,640
 2  $48,060
 3  $60,480
 4  $72,900



Ryan White Program

DSAS offers services to those living with AIDS under the Ryan White Part A HIV/AIDS Program

Fee for Service Program

DSAS offers a Fee for Service Program that provides home support services to disabled adults ages 18 and over on a sliding scale fee basis.

Program Location

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