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November 10, 2022Fathers, stepfathers, father-figures, and their families, are invited to attend the 16th Annual Fatherhood Conference.
October 28, 2022Grant From U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to Provide Funding for Housing Units, Wrap-Around Services and Housing Support
October 19, 2022With today’s launch of the first of four planned FamilySpace locations at the Cuyahoga County Public Library in Garfield Heights, the new program is now delivering that experience to families with children ages 0 to 5.
September 21, 2022Thousands of fathers, stepfathers, and father figures will walk their children to school for Cuyahoga County’s annual Fathers Walk on Thursday, September 22, 2022.
September 15, 2022As more Cuyahoga County residents enter their golden years, Cuyahoga County has announced today a new initiative with AARP to improve livability for Cuyahoga County residents for generations to come.
September 12, 2022Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish, the Cuyahoga County Office of Reentry and City of Cleveland Ward 5 Councilman Richard Starr will host the Central Surge Expungement Clinic and Resource Fair to assist people with past criminal convictions to seal their records.
August 18, 2022The Parent, Teacher, Student Association (PTSA) of Shaw High School, in East Cleveland, is calling on 100+ men to help welcome students back to school on Monday, September 22.
August 02, 2022August is National Child Support Awareness Month. The Cuyahoga County Office of Child Support Services (OCSS) recognizes and brings awareness to the child support program and the professionals who help children and families thrive.
July 13, 2022As employers try to find qualified workers to fill open jobs, Cuyahoga County is working to match them with residents who need a fresh start and to break down legal barriers to employment.
June 14, 2022Temperatures in Cuyahoga County are expected to reach the mid-90s this week, with “feels like” temperatures in the triple digits, according to the National Weather Service.
June 15, 2022June 15 marks World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, a day set aside for raising awareness about preventing and reporting elder abuse.
May 03, 2022Cuyahoga County residents aged 60 and over can get connected to services and programs to help them age successfully by contacting the Division of Senior and Adult Services’ (DSAS) new “Connection Center.”
April 25, 2022Cuyahoga County is doing its part to provide people with criminal records opportunities for employment and a fresh start.
April 21, 2022The Cuyahoga County Office of Reentry and the Greater Cleveland Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., will host an Expungement Clinic and Resource Fair to assist people with past criminal convictions to seal their records.
April 18, 2022The Cuyahoga County Office of Reentry, along with dozens of community groups and organizations, will participate in a week-long series of activities to help people with criminal convictions move forward to become productive members of our community.
March 28, 2022Cuyahoga Job and Family Services (CJFS) is seeking those who have a passion for helping people grow.
March 23, 2022As many employers throughout Cuyahoga County seek qualified individuals to fill their open positions, Cuyahoga County is doing its part to provide people with past criminal records opportunities for employment and a fresh start.
March 07, 2022The Cuyahoga County Division of Children and Family Services (DCFS) is seeking job seekers looking to make a difference in the lives of children, and help families stay safe and stable together.
March 01, 2022Hundreds of employers, human resources representatives and payroll professionals are invited to attend the Office of Child Support Services’ (OCSS) annual Employers Workshop.
December 17, 2021The Cuyahoga County Division of Children and Family (DCFS) services is proud to launch the Extended Kinship Support Program (E-KSP), providing much needed financial assistance to relatives and kin who step in to take care of children who cannot remain safely in their own home.