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Cuyahoga County Launches ‘Livable Cuyahoga’

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Media contact(s):
Lester Holmes: (216) 881-4598;
Tyler Sinclair: (440) 669-8427; 


Initiative Aims to Create Lasting Change for Older Adults Across County

CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH - As more Cuyahoga County residents enter their golden years, Cuyahoga County has announced today a new initiative with AARP to improve livability for Cuyahoga County residents for generations to come. Nearly a hundred attendees joined today’s launch event, which included community partners, aging experts, local elected officials, and County residents.

Livable Cuyahoga is a new County initiative, led by the Division of Senior and Adult Services (DSAS), dedicated to creating a livable community that serves as a lifelong home for residents of all ages.

Cuyahoga County joins hundreds of cities and counties across the country partnering with AARP as part of their Livable Community initiative. Cuyahoga County was recognized as an “age-friendly” community by AARP earlier this year, the first step in the process.

Livable Cuyahoga will study and work to improve eight domains that are key to a successful aging experience. These include:

  • Housing
  • Transportation
  • Health Services and Community Supports
  • Outdoor Spaces and Buildings
  • Social Participation
  • Civic Participation and Employment
  • Communication and Information
  • Respect and Social Inclusion

“Cuyahoga County has an aging population, and it’s our responsibility to make sure we’re doing all we can to ensure that our parents and grandparents can live a safe, healthy life at home, in the community,” said County Executive Armond Budish. “Making community improvements for our older adults ensures that we are treating them the way they deserve. This is just the beginning of what will be long-term work that builds and improves upon what our Division of Senior and Adult Services has been doing for many years to help our residents create lifelong homes in Cuyahoga County. I look forward to getting valuable insights from our older adults to help us make informed decisions and lasting change.”

According to research by the Centers for Community Solutions, nearly 400,000 Cuyahoga County residents will be 60 years of age by 2030. It will take a collected effort from elected officials, civic and community organizations, and the public to make our region age-friendly.

DSAS Interim Administrator Natasha Pietrocola said the initiative is a five-year process which includes assessment, planning, implementation, and review. Community input is also a major component in the project as initiative partners are currently conducting a county-wide assessment of local seniors to best identify how we perform in several key areas that influence health and quality of life as we age.

“Our goal is to have the input from as many residents as possible to make Cuyahoga County more livable,” said Pietrocola.

Cuyahoga County encourages all residents 55-years of age and older to complete the Livable Cuyahoga survey at Call 216-263-4670 for more information.

To learn more about this new initiative, tune in to the latest episode of “Let’s Talk Cuyahoga”, out now.