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Cuyahoga County DCFS Extended Kinship Support Program Begins

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Media Contacts:
Deonna Kirkpatrick: 216-432-3342; 
Mary Louise Madigan: (216) 698-2521;


CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH – The Cuyahoga County Division of Children and Family (DCFS) services is proud to launch the Extended Kinship Support Program (E-KSP), providing much needed financial assistance to relatives and kin who step in to take care of children who cannot remain safely in their own home.

“We believe that children who have had to be removed from their parents because of abuse or neglect are best cared for by families, whether that’s grandparents or other close relations,” said County Executive Armond Budish. “Family connections are bonds we need to strengthen, not break. That’s why I asked for the County to step in to help cover the unexpected costs realized by families doing what is in the best interest of these kids.”

The Cuyahoga County DCFS Kinship Stipend Program pays caregivers monthly for each child in county custody who is placed in their care, similar to payments made to foster parents. This support is critical to relatives who unexpectedly take on the care of one or more children but may struggle with the cost of additional food, clothing, utilities, etc. These payments are intended to lessen the financial burden and make it more sustainable for relatives to care for young family members.

“We’ve heard from grandparents on a fixed income who don’t hesitate to take in their grandchildren when DCFS has to take custody, but they really struggle to pay for diapers, formula, and clothes for growing children,” said Cynthia Weiskittel, DCFS Director. “Taking care of children is costly and it’s not fair to just drop kids on their doorstep and wish them good luck. We have to offer kin the support they need to be successful.”

Kinship Care refers to a placement in which a relative or any non-relative adult who has a long-standing relationship or bond with the child and/or family has taken over the full-time care of a child whose parent is unable or unwilling to provide for their care and safety. Research and experience tell us children who are placed with kin fare better in the short and long term. Kinship care helps keep children connected to their extended family, friends, neighborhood, and school, and can assist with reunification and permanency efforts.

Approximately 1/3 of children in Cuyahoga County custody are placed with kin. DCFS is committed to searching for family for children in its custody and offering them the support they need to be safe, affirming, and stable caregivers.

E-KSP payments are funded through the Cuyahoga County Health and Human Services Levy. For more details on the program visit our website.