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Office of Child Support Sponsors Employers Workshop

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Media contact(s):
Janice Edwards, 216-443-5364; 
Devyn Giannetti: (216) 225-9813; 


Virtual Workshop helps attendees comply with state child support law

CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH – Hundreds of employers, human resources representatives and payroll professionals are invited to attend the Office of Child Support Services’ (OCSS) annual Employers Workshop. Three sessions will cover valuable information and training on laws and processes for child support income withholdings notices. The Employers Workshop is being held during three virtual sessions on Thursday, March 24, Thursday, March 31 and Thursday, April 7, 2022.

Ohio law requires that child support payments are remitted electronically by employers with 50 or more employees, and if they withhold support for at least one employee. The training, presented by experts in the field of child support, covers child support basics and more advanced topics like how to calculate withholding limitations when there are multiple orders. “Cuyahoga County recognizes the impact of our collaboration with employers in serving families within the child support program,” said OCSS Director Tiffany Dobbins-Brazelton.

Get more information and register for this free, virtual event.

For more information, please call 216-443-5364.