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About Senior and Adult Services

The Division of Senior and Adult Services (DSAS) was officially established as an independent agency on March 30, 1992.

Our Mission

Our Vision

Our mission is to empower seniors and adults with disabilities to age successfully, by providing resources and support that preserve their independence.Our vision is to demonstrate a leading model of government collaboration within the community, provide needed supportive services for older adults and adults with disabilities in Cuyahoga County, and strive for continuous improvement by measuring key performance outcomes.

Our Guiding Principles

Our daily work is guided by the following tenets that strengthen our community and deepen our impact:
  • Use innovative evidence-based practices that bring the benefits of the latest research to our clients
  • Encourage self-directed care whenever possible
  • Collaborate and convene stakeholders in vital discussions regarding relevant issues
  • Advocate for older adults and adults with disabilities
  • Support families and caregivers
  • Train and empower staff to provide culturally competent care

Our Programs

DSAS serves Cuyahoga County residents through the following programs and services:

Our Clients

Our service populations are County residents age 60 and over, and residents age 18-59 with disabilities.

Our Staff

DSAS is comprised of nearly 200 employees committed to fulfilling the agency's mission. The work of our

Centers of Excellence is supported by our Administrative Team.

Our Advisory Board

DSAS is committed to service through an extensive alliance with the community. A major component of this partnership is the 25-member Advisory Board on Senior and Adult Services. The members of this Board are appointed by the Cuyahoga County Executive, with confirmation by the County Council, and are representative of the county's older population, as well as the professional aging network.

Our Partners

We are grateful to have many community organizations partnering with us to assist older adults in need. Together, we leverage our knowledge and skills to amplify our impact in the community. Click here to learn more about the vital resources offered by our community partners.

Our Offices

Our Centralized Intake Unit is available to answer questions Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The hotline is open after hours for critical needs. You may also make an appointment to meet with our staff in person at our office or at your location.

Natasha Pietrocola, MEd, MBA

Division of Senior and Adult Services
13815 Kinsman Road
Cleveland OH 44120

DSAS Connection Center: 216-420-6700

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