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Information Services

The Division of Senior and Adult Services' Information Services unit is an Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC), partnering with the Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging to provide an array of public benefits to seniors, caregivers and persons with disabilities, including:

Information Assistance: We connect older adults and caregivers to our extensive network of partnering agencies and providers who are ready to assist with services that support independence.

Benefits Assistance: Benefits Assistance is a service offered through the National Council on Aging for individuals 55 or older to help enroll seniors and adults with disabilities into benefit programs.

MIPPA Assistance: The Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA) provides outreach enrollment opportunities targeting limited income Medicare beneficiaries that may be eligible for Low Income Subsidy (LIS) and Medicare Savings Programs.

Supportive Services: The Information Services unit also offers person-centered case management assistance for seniors and adults with disabilities to address complex needs and navigate available resources. It assists with issues such as housing, food insecurity, and emergencies, while facilitating connections to the appropriate services.

Bed Bug Remediation Program: Services assist older adults and adults with disabilities with the removal of bed bugs from their homes. Participants must live in a single or double residence and meet income guidelines to be eligible for assistance.

Home Energy Assistance Program: This unit also conducts Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) outreach to adults age 60 and over and adults with disabilities ages 18-59. It provides applications, assistance and screenings to help eligible residents with their home energy bills.

Our trained specialists provide consultations in our office, over the phone, or at your home, whichever is most convenient for you.

To receive further information, or to request a referral, contact our Centralized Intake Unit at 216-420-6700.

Danette Allums

Division of Senior and Adult Services
13815 Kinsman Road
Cleveland OH 44120

DSAS Connection Center: 216-420-6700

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