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DSAS advocates for changes to public policy to improve the lives of older adults and disabled residents of Cuyahoga County. We educate elected officials and the public about the impact of current legislation. We are actively involved in leadership with local and  state advocacy organizations, including the Ohio Coalition for Adult Protective Services (OCAPS).

How We Advocate
We keep our finger on the pulse of legislation to ensure our seniors have a voice. Each year, we develop a list of advocacy priorities, along with action steps to ensure success. We incorporate many strategies in our campaigns, including:

  • Conducting research to identify areas of need
  • Advocating for adequate or additional funding
  • Supporting passage of bills and suggesting senior-friendly language
  • Contacting key elected officials at the local, state and federal levels
  • Hosting and participating in public forums to create awareness
  • Collaborating with local, state and national advocacy groups
  • Providing legislative testimony
  • Soliciting letters to the editor and opinion pieces in the media
  • Developing and distributing Advocacy Update newsletters

Our Priorities
Our priorities shift as our research uncovers new areas of need. Currently, our priorities include:

  • Senior Hunger / Food Insecurity
  • Behavioral Health
  • Housing
  • Transportation
  • Social Isolation

You Can Help
Would you like to be an advocate for Cuyahoga County’s older adult population? Contact us to learn more.

Maridell Couture

Division of Senior and Adult Services
13815 Kinsman Road
Cleveland OH 44120

DSAS Connection Center: 216-420-6700

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