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Child Abuse Prevention Month


April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, a time when child advocates across the nation focus on ways to prevent abuse and neglect, recognizing the importance of strong families and communities working together to keep children safe.

Everyone has a role in building better childhoods for the kids in their life and community. There are many ways you can help, like simply helping a struggling parent or family so they can parent safely, reporting suspected cases of abuse or neglect, donating, volunteering and/or mentoring with a local organization that helps children and families, and so much more. If you’re game for an even bigger commitment, you can join the team and work for DCFS or become a foster parent.

View the Child Abuse Prevention Month Proclamation.

Join us this month for any of the below opportunities to build better!

Wear Blue Day flyerWear Blue Day - April 10, 2024

Wear Blue is a statewide awareness campaign that takes place on the second Wednesday of every April, Child Abuse Prevention Month. Ohioans are encouraged to wear blue that day – to work, to school, to a community event – to show support for preventing child abuse and neglect.

Take a photo of yourself and your family, coworkers, friends, neighbors, fellow students, and others wearing blue. Share the photo on your social media page and use the hashtag: #CuyahogaWearsBlue


Building Better Childhoods flyerBuilding Better Childhoods 5k – April 24, 2024

Join us at our Jane Edna Hunter Building as we walk to the County Administration Building downtown and back. We want to encourage everyone that they can help build better childhoods for the kids in their life and community!

Register to join us.



Virtual Events

Thursday April 4, 2024

Title: Triple P Fear-Less: A Parent Educator's Toolbox to Support Families Parenting an Anxious Child or Teen

Thursday April 18, 2024

Title: Guernsey Cares: Coordinating Access to Resources, Education, and Services

Thursday April 11, 2024

Title: Portage County Prevention and Beyond

Thursday April 25, 2024

Title: The Map Forward Project: Neuroscience for Hopeful Futures


Know the Signs of Child Abuse poster

See the Sign, Make the Call


Download a free large poster or letter size flyer you can post or share.

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