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Child Safety Resources for Parents

woman kissing a baby


Every year, babies and children are hurt or die due to accidents at home, or away, that could be prevented. As we work to prevent accidental deaths in Cuyahoga County, below are some free and low-cost resources families can use to provide a safer environment for children and prevent avoidable tragedies.

Healthy Pregnancy and Newborn Programs

Education and Support - Multiple programs in the City of Cleveland and wider Cuyahoga County help pregnant women and new moms to be safe and healthy.  Learn more about the MomsFirst Program, and the Newborn Home Visiting Program at the Invest in Children website.

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Pregnancy and Birthing Support

Birthing Beautiful Communities was established to address and improve the systemic and community structures that lead to poor birth outcomes through Culture, Education, Advocacy, Support and Engagement (CEASE). BBC holistically supports pregnant women to deliver full-term, healthy babies, and in achieving equitable birth outcomes.

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Safe Sleep

In Cuyahoga County, every breath a baby takes is a testament to the preciousness of life and the unwavering commitment of our community to safeguard our future. We believe that every baby deserves a safe sleep environment—one that ensures they wake up to a world beyond their dreams.

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Fire Safety

Smoke Detectors - The Cleveland Division of Fire participates in the American Red Cross Operation Save-A-Life, which provides free smoke alarms, batteries, and installation. All elderly and low- income residents of Cleveland qualify for this no-cost program/p>

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Gun Safety

Gun Locks - If you would like a free Project ChildSafe Safety Kit, which includes a cable-style gun lock and safety instructions visit Get a Safety Kit - Project ChildSafe.


Choose Your Partner Carefully

When choosing your partner, you are not just choosing for yourself. You are choosing for your child, too! Your partner plays an important role in your child’s life. Choosing the wrong partner can be deadly!

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