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Thank you for your interest in the Adopt-a-family program. It is fully matched for this year, if you still want to brighten a kid’s holiday, please email us at

graphic of people in shape of a heart

DCFS helps hundreds of kinship families through various supportive services. If you would like to help a local kinship family in need you can “adopt” them for the holidays. For planning purposes, a guideline for “adopting” would be to spend at least $75 per child and $75 for a gift(s) for the whole family.

We match you with a kinship family based on the size family you can best serve. Then we share some basic information about the family and their specific wishes. You purchase, wrap, and label each gift and then drop-off to us on a specified date. We give the gifts to the family, and they have a brighter holiday all because of you!

woman sitting by a Christmas tree hugging two childrenAdopt-a-family recipient “Hi my family and I would like to say thank you. We feel so blessed by having someone like you help in a rough time in life. As a mom I appreciate you more then you know and this will help bring smiles to my babies faces on a day that they look forward to every year. I am in tears of joy and want you to know your blessing won't go to waste and we hope that you are blessed for helping us, I hope you enjoy your holiday as much as we can now enjoy ours. We appreciate your kindness and generosity.”


*This holiday giving program is dedicated to children and families that have an active case with the Cuyahoga County Division of Children and Family Services. If you need assistance and are not involved with DCFS you can contact one of our neighborhood partners or United Way 211 to find help in your community.

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