Access Cold Weather Safety Resources

Abuse and Neglect Services

How to report child abuse, elder abuse, or get help with domestic abuse in Cuyahoga County.

Appeal a Decision

How Cuyahoga County residents can appeal a decision regarding a child protection case.

Child and Youth Services

The Department of Health and Human Services offers various programs and services to help children and youth before they enter school, during school age, and into young adulthood.

Child Care

Options and resources for child care in Cuyahoga County.

Custody and Visitation

How to establish custody and visitation for child caregivers in Cuyahoga County.

Domestic Abuse Services

Resources for Cuyahoga County residents who are experiencing or survivors of domestic violence and abuse.

Education and Training

Resources for Cuyahoga County residents looking for career-focused education and training.

Emergency Assistance

Resources and programs for Cuyahoga County residents in need of emergency assistance with food, shelter, safety, and more.


Resources for job seekers in Cuyahoga County.

File a Complaint

How to contact Cuyahoga County Health and Human Services with complaints and concerns.

Financial Assistance

Cash assistance for Cuyahoga County individuals and families.

Food Assistance

Resources and programs for Cuyahoga County residents in need of food or food assistance.


Options and resources for people seeking healthcare in Cuyahoga County.


Resources for residents of Cuyahoga County who need help finding and affording housing or paying utility bills.

How To Designate an Authorized Representative

To designate an authorized representative for SNAP, Medicaid or cash assistance, you can use our CJFS Designation of Authorized Representative Form. You can access the form from the link online and in person:

Long-Term Care Services

Options for Cuyahoga County residents in need of long-term care.

Mental Health

Options and resources for people seeking mental health care in Cuyahoga County.

Paternity and Child Support

How Cuyahoga County residents can establish paternity, create an order for child support, and pay child support.

Reentry Services

Resources and programs for formerly incarcerated individuals in Cuyahoga County.

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