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Custody and Visitation

man and son high fiving each other

Physical possession of a child is not considered legal custody. To establish legal custody, you must file an application with the Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court.
Kinship Caregivers
Grandparents, aunts and uncles, other relatives, or family friends caring for children are called Kinship Caregivers.

Kinship caregivers seeking legal custody must file an application with the courts, or work with the child’s caseworker if the Division of Children and Family Services is involved.

Children in County Custody
If your child is taken into custody by Cuyahoga County, your caseworker will explain what steps you need to take to regain custody. See the Parent’s Guide to Working with the Division of Children and Family Services for more information of what to expect.

Learn how to establish Parenting Time Opportunities, or visitation agreements between unmarried parents setting up a new child support order with no prior report of safety concerns or family violence.

The Domestic Violence and Child Advocacy Center can work with you to set up supervised visits with non-custodial parents who are domestic violence offenders or have mental health issues.

If your child is in Cuyahoga County custody, you may be allowed visitation with your child, if it is in your child’s best interest. Contact your individual case worker for more information.

Related Information

Contact Information

Office of Child Support Services
1640 Superior Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44114


Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

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