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Housing First

Housing First works to provide permanent supportive housing units to end chronic homelessness in Cuyahoga County.

On any given night, about 20 percent of homeless individuals in Cleveland’s emergency shelters are long-term homeless. Of these, nearly all have mental, behavioral, or physical disabilities. More than 20 percent of our long-term homeless are also veterans.

Housing First is a program that moves people into stable, permanent housing as a first step, and then connects them with services on site to help work through their issues. Participation in these on-site treatment programs is encouraged, but not required.

Enterprise Community Partners and the Sisters of Charity Foundation work with the City of Cleveland and Cuyahoga County to lead the Housing First initiative and guide project development. Several additional organizations work with us to build and operate the projects. Key providers include:


Youth Homelessness

The Office of Homeless Services works with several community partners to ensure that all homeless young people ages 18-24 in Cuyahoga County have access to safe emergency shelter and permanent housing.

Veteran Homelessness

The Office of Homeless Services works with several community partners to ensure that all homeless Veterans in Cuyahoga County have access to safe emergency shelter and permanent housing.

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