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The Cuyahoga County Division of Senior and Adult Services is Committed to Keeping Seniors Safe

12/10/19, 01:53 PM
Keeping seniors safe is crucial to the mission of the Division of Senior and Adult Services. In fact, we are the only agency that provides Adult Protective Services in Cuyahoga County. We investigate allegations of abuse, neglect, self-neglect and exploitation and take protective measures for adults age 60 and older when they are facing a threat to their safety.
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Families Forward Program Creates Opportunity Through Free Training

12/10/19, 01:52 PM
Families Forward, a new County program for parents who owe child support, offers free job training to help improve the lives of parents and children. This program is sponsored through the Federal Office of Child Support, MDRC, the Ohio and Cuyahoga County Office of Child Support Services in partnership with Towards Employment.
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Families Forward: Introducing a New Program for Parents Who Owe Child Support

12/10/19, 01:43 PM
Families Forward is a new job training program offered by the Cuyahoga County Office of Child Support Services (OCSS) for parents who owe child support in Cuyahoga County. The Families Forward Demonstration is studying strategies that can improve the earning capacity, skill attainment and financial literacy of parents responsible for paying child support who have struggled to meet their financial obligations.
Read Article about Families Forward: Introducing a New Program for Parents Who Owe Child Support

The Cuyahoga County Fatherhood Initiative is Helping to Keep Children and Parents “Safe and Sound”

12/10/19, 01:36 PM
The Cuyahoga County Fatherhood Initiative invests dollars in programs and services to help fathers. As we recognize Child Abuse Prevention Month this April, the Fatherhood Initiative is proud to support the Safe and Sound Supervised Visitation Program of the Domestic Violence and Child Advocacy Center (DVCAC). The program provides services for families that are mandated to participate in supervised visitation.
Read Article about The Cuyahoga County Fatherhood Initiative is Helping to Keep Children and Parents “Safe and Sound”

Alzheimer’s Disease and the Minority Experience

12/10/19, 01:34 PM
April 2019 is National Minority Health Month. During this month, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services-Office of Minority Health seeks to raise awareness regarding the health disparities experienced by ethnic and racial minorities living in America. The theme for 2019 is Active and Healthy, and the goal of this year’s theme is to promote a healthier lifestyle by encouraging all Americans to engage in regular exercise.
Read Article about Alzheimer’s Disease and the Minority Experience

Recognizing Our Service Workers in Social Work Month

12/10/19, 01:34 PM
There’s no dancing around it; working in the social services is tough. From the unpredictable hours, the even more unpredictable customers, to the emotionally intense work, it takes a special person to even consider this field. And yet half a million people across the country, and hundreds in Cuyahoga County come to work every day and put their hearts and souls into serving others. For these people, social service work isn’t a job; it’s a calling.
Read Article about Recognizing Our Service Workers in Social Work Month

This Valentine’s Day, Consider Making Room in Your Heart for a Child in Need

12/10/19, 01:33 PM
Cuyahoga County currently has more than 2,500 children in our care—more than we’ve had in years. Most will be in our custody temporarily while their parents or guardians work to resolve issues; some need a forever family. Whether temporary or permanent, each of these 2,500 children need a safe, stable, and loving place to call home. Finding those homes requires normal, everyday people deciding to make room in their hearts for a child who needs help.
Read Article about This Valentine’s Day, Consider Making Room in Your Heart for a Child in Need

Senior Hunger Advocacy Update

12/10/19, 01:27 PM
Seniors remain vulnerable to hunger when they cannot easily access food or have a limited income that results in eating food of poor nutritional value simply because it’s the most affordable. Sometimes referred to as “food insecurity,” an increasing number of seniors face a daily reality of impending malnutrition.
Read Article about Senior Hunger Advocacy Update

Lime Green Jackets, Fried Green Tomatoes and the Sweet Taste of Hope

11/09/16, 07:12 PM
Without question, going to prison is a life changing event. The disruptive effects go far beyond the people being sent away. Their absence affects families, friends, employers, and ultimately, the community as a whole. It is possible for that life change to lead to positive results. The Cuyahoga County Office of Reentry is dedicated to contributing to positive changes in the lives of returning citizens so that we may all thrive, together.
Read Article about Lime Green Jackets, Fried Green Tomatoes and the Sweet Taste of Hope

Together, we go solar!

10/25/16, 05:50 PM
Want to go solar but unsure where to start? Don’t worry because Cuyahoga County residents are going solar together! Through the Cuyahoga County Solar Co-op residents have joined together to use the strength of their numbers to purchase solar panels at a discount.
Read Article about Together, we go solar!

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