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Tips for Protecting Your SNAP Benefits

Note on SNAP Replacement Benefits: Because federal SNAP replacement funds have not been renewed, we cannot replace benefits for SNAP benefits stolen electronically after Dec. 20, 2024.

Follow These Tips to Protect Your Electronic Benefits

Below are some suggested steps you can take to prevent your benefits from being stolen. You can also share our SNAP EBT Card Safety Tips flyer.

  • Carefully inspect any card reader before using your card. Theft devices are sometimes placed over the card reader, if a device doesn’t look secure or sticks out, it may be a skimming device.
  • Download the ConnectEBT app to your phone to easily lock and unlock your benefits card, and keep it locked when not in use. For more information on how to use the app, visit the EBT Card Lock and Unlock Tips provided by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. THIS IS THE ONLY APP APPROVED BY THE STATE OF OHIO TO LOCK AND UNLOCK YOUR SNAP EBT CARD.

    • If you have an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) Card, please DO NOT share your PIN with anyone and update/change your PIN regularly:
      • ONLINE: You can change your PIN by logging into your online account at
      • BY PHONE: You can call 1-866-386-3071 and follow the prompts to change your PIN.
    • You should never share information about your EBT or EPPIC card in response to a text message. 

    Requesting a New SNAP EBT Card Following Electronic Theft

    Before requesting a new SNAP EBT Card, you should first change your PIN. Replacement cards are active when they are mailed, so the first step after you believe your benefits have been electronically stolen is to update your PIN.

    1. To replace your SNAP EBT Card, you can contact the vendor’s Customer Service Line: 1-866-386-3071.
    2. Follow the prompts to change your PIN.
    3. After you have updated your PIN, you can then follow the prompts to report your card as stolen and request a replacement card. 

    What To Do If You Believe You Are The Victim of Public Benefits Theft

    If you are the victim of public benefits theft, or if you know of suspicious activity you would like to report, please contact the Cuyahoga County Public Assistance Fraud Hotline at 216-987-6950. You can also complete a public assistance fraud report online on the county’s Reporting Suspected Public Assistance Fraud site.


    SNAP Skimming Toolkit

    The below resources can help you understand more about protecting benefits from SNAP Skimming. Please feel free to share these documents. 

    Requesting Replacement SNAP EBT Card Benefits Due to Electronic Theft Before Dec. 20

    NOTE: Because federal SNAP replacement funds have not been renewed, we cannot replace benefits for funds stolen electronically after Dec. 20, 2024.

    You have 90 days to request replacement electronic benefits stolen on or before Dec. 20, 2024. To report electronic theft of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card benefits, you can complete the JFS 07011 Form, also called the “Statement Requesting Replacement of Electronically Stolen SNAP Benefits”. To complete the form, follow these steps:

    1. Visit the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services Forms Central Page.
    2. Please type the form number “07011” into the search bar to find the fillable pdf of the form.
    3. You may submit the completed form:
      1. via email to:,  OR
      2. by mail to: Investigations Office, Room 350, 1641 Payne Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44114.

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