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START Helps Parents with Addiction Find the Road to Recovery

09/21/20, 11:52 AM
September is National Recovery Month, a time to educate the public about substance use treatment and mental health services that can help people live healthy and rewarding lives. The Sobriety Treatment and Recovery Teams (START) department at the Division of Children and Family Services provides specialized interventions for families working with the child welfare system when a parent has a diagnosed chemical dependency.
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HEAP Summer Crisis Program Helps Keep Utilities Connected

08/14/20, 10:20 AM
The program, which runs through Sept. 30, helps residents purchase an air conditioning unit or fan or pay for central air conditioning repairs. It assists low-income households with an older household member (60 years or older), or households that can provide physician documentation that cooling assistance is needed for a household member's health.
Read Article about HEAP Summer Crisis Program Helps Keep Utilities Connected

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