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Ticket to Hope

10/31/22, 03:32 PM
Ticket to Hope, an Ohio-based non-profit, successfully partnered with the Cuyahoga County Division of Children and Family Services (DCFS) to provide hockey tickets to the Cuyahoga County families.
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Centenarian Vaddie Todd exemplifies Older Americans Month motto "Age My Way"

05/11/22, 10:18 AM
In honor of Older Americans Month, the Division of Senior and Adult Services (DSAS) wanted to spotlight a Cuyahoga resident who embodies this year’s theme of “Age My Way.” We found the most amazing example in Centenarian Vaddie B. Todd. Todd was recently honored by the Cuyahoga Council, friends and relatives in celebration of her 105th birthday, which occurred on March 21, 2022.
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DSAS’ Community Social Services Program “Feels Like Family”

04/12/22, 04:11 PM
Social isolation – also known as loneliness -- is a big contributor to declining health in older adults. Did you know that social isolation is as detrimental to one’s health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day? Lack of meaningful social interaction among older adults can lead to obesity, depression, sleeplessness and a downward spiral of issues. DSAS helps seniors get social. Our Community Social Services Program works with 36 community partners across the County to ensure adults age 60 and over have opportunities to engage with one another.
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Adult Protective Services: Dedication, Support and Care with a Touch of Love

03/07/22, 03:42 PM
As we age, we can at times find ourselves in situations that put us in peril. Even the savviest, most independent of us can fall prey to any numbers of risks – from a physical injury, to a mental decline, a shady new acquaintance or a seasoned scam artist. While most people can safely navigate these pitfalls, some older adults need a helping hand to stay safe when these situations arise.
Read Article about Adult Protective Services: Dedication, Support and Care with a Touch of Love

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